Advertise that You Do Credit Card ProcessingWhen brides and grooms are looking for a wedding coordinator, they’re probably hoping to find one that you do credit card processing. That way, they can put the entire charge of the service on their card and not worry about cash while also reaping reward benefits from their card. This will also give them peace of mind that they can get help should their coordinator skip out on the job. To let couples know you’re easy to do business with, advertise that you do credit card processing. It can make you more desirable than the coordinator next to you in the bridal fair ballroom.
- Take Deposits at a Bridal Fair or Show
Say you’re at a bridal fair or show, and you meet potential clients who want to hire you but don’t have their checkbook for a holding deposit. What do you do? When you have card machine solutions behind you, you get their credit card right away and hold a deposit to book you for a date in the future. Credit card processing is a great way to get instant payments from people who otherwise would need to contact you in the future.
- Make Payments on Behalf of Your Clients
If your wedding coordinator business is set up so that you charge a flat fee, and you contract out other services for photographers or caterers or the like, you can use card machine solutions to quickly pay yourself for certain fees and then make those payments to individual contractors. With your clients’ credit card on file, and with their approval, you don’t need to keep asking for cash payments.
- No Bounced Checks
Nobody wants to accept money for a deposit or service, and then find out the clients’ payment wasn’t good. With credit card payments, you know right away if your client has the funds to hire you.
- No Trips to the Bank