Why It's Crucial To Own A Manual Credit Card Machine For Your Business During The Holidays
As holiday shoppers face limited time and long lists of gifts to buy for loved ones and friends, the last thing they want to worry about is going to the bank to get cash or remembering a bulky checkbo
Make More SalesIt’s really a no-brainer that businesses need to take credit cards during the holidays. Today people tend to carry around less cash and they want to do business with companies that understand why. Recently, a Nilson report projected that check and cash payments will decline by 46% and 26% respectively by 2018 in the United States. This same report stated that credit card payments are expected to grow by 50%.Improve Cash FlowWhy wait days for checks to clear when you’ve already given a shopper your merchandise? Manual credit card machines and wireless credit card machines let you make sure your buyer has the money in real time, so you can get paid when inventory goes out. Merchant Account Solutions makes sure you get paid fast.Manual Credit Card Machines and Wireless Credit Cards Bring in CustomersDepending on the type of business you own, you may want to have a manual credit card machine, a wireless credit card machine, or a combination of both. Consumers want convenience, so if you can arrange to ring them up for their holiday purchases in the easiest and quickest manner, you’ll be the one getting the holiday shopping business and getting recommendations.Credit Customers Spend More