The Best Way to Accept Credit Cards On The Go
If you need to accept credit cards, there are plenty of solutions that can make life easier for you and your customers. If you accept payments online, you will have plenty of options. For more informa
accept credit cards, there are plenty of solutions that can make life easier for you and your customers. If you accept payments online, you will have plenty of options. For more information on online credit card processing, contact the experienced and dedicated staff at Merchant Account Solutions.
The online shopping experience has been enhanced because customers have the ability to use credit cards. More than 175 million people in America carry at least one credit card, and 66 percent of all face-to-face transactions are made with credit or debit cards. Customers on average spend 20 percent more when paying with debit or credit cards.Online card processing offers reliability and security.Merchant Account Solutions offers an industry-leading online credit card processing service and has a secure and cost-effective way to process credit cards and run payments.
The E-Commerce Gateway can easily be integrated on your site, as it works with 98 percent of all shopping carts. This solution allows you to do recurring billing.
All you need to access your transactions is internet accessibility. The data is transferred using a Secure Socket Layer encryption technology, meaning your customers’ credit card data is always secure.QuickBooks allows you to process payments faster.QuickBooks can be used for more than just balancing books. If you need to
process credit cards online