Best Credit Card Terminal
Finding the best credit card terminal for your business heavily depends on the type of business you own and operate. If considering adding a credit card terminal to your business but aren’t sure whi
Finding the best credit card terminal for your business heavily depends on the type of business you own and operate. If considering adding a credit card terminal to your business but aren’t sure which option to choose, think carefully about what type of business you do and which terminal would be most suitable. Let’s take a look at different businesses and which credit card terminals are best for each:
Retail businesses make a large number of face-to-face sales, and therefore require quality retail terminals. The VX 510 DC is a viable option for such businesses, as it efficiently processes debit and credit card transactions. An instantly-intuitive piece of equipment, the VX 510 DC features an ATM-style interface that requires virtually no training to use. It comes with a built-in PIN pad and integrated thermal printer, and is easy to hand to customers so they may enter relevant information. This option connects to an Ethernet or internet connection, meaning you may utilize your existing internet line.
Other businesses that benefit from using retail terminals include restaurants and bars, hotels, and professional service providers.
Mobile Businesses
Mobile businesses, such as food trucks, home inspection services, power washing and cleaning services, and computer repair services require a credit card terminalthat’s easily portable. The best credit card terminal for these businesses is a “toss-up” between mobile phone and wireless options. Both are easily portable and are capable of accepting major credit and debit cards. For example, SmartSwipe is a mobile phone credit card reader that attaches to the top of an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, and instantly transforms it into a credit card terminal. Its many features include text and email receipts, cash transactions, tip functionality, a tax calculator and more.
The Nurit 8020 is a compact option that operates on a GPRS wireless network. It includes a built-in printer, signature capturing screen and internal PIN pad. As with SmartSwipe, it accepts all major credit and debit cards.
Web-Based Businesses
Operating an online store or other web-based business requires a virtual credit card terminal. The best credit card terminal for such businesses, virtual terminals are a cost-effective, reliable way to accept credit cards. Also ideal for recurring billing needs, virtual terminals allow you to key in transactions from any location with internet access. They make it easy to run reports of past transactions, and are simple to set up.
Find the best credit card terminal for your needs and enjoy the many benefits that follow!